Blog Traffic and Income Report for March 2016

This is where I typically tell you guys that my blog is teeny tiny and doesn't bring in a large income, but that I write these posts anyways to help newer bloggers see what's realistic and what can happen. My pageviews and income is growing, so if you see this and think "ugh, stop saying you're "small", go back and check out my report for December and work your way back to here.My blog traffic and income fluctuates a lot, and I'm trying to prepare for the crash that I know is coming... But for right now I'll just enjoy the high pageviews and keep reading comments from my lovely readers (thank you!).

Blog Traffic and Income Report March 2016

I decided to share my traffic and income report starting as a small blogger to inspire other newbies Here's my blog traffic and income report for March 2016

Blog Traffic

My traffic spiked in March because I had a post go viral (YAY)! Unfortunately, it also crashed my site! Thankfully, techsurgeons was able to go in and rescue my site and get it back up and running within a few hours. (Don't ask me how heartbroken I am about those 10,000 clicks that I didn't get because my site was down.. Just don't!) Again, I'm just trying to brace myself for the crash after Autism Acceptance Month is over.

Blog Traffic:

  • Pageviews: 27,573
  • Users: 22,384

My Most Popular Posts:

My Top Referrers:

  • Facebook
  • Direct
  • Pinterest

What Worked and What I'm Changing

Honestly, what worked this month is having a very timely post that was seen by the right people. My Light it Up Blue post was shared by a lot of bloggers much bigger than me, and I got tons of traffic from it. I also believe that sharing my true heart on topics that people don't necessarily want to talk about has helped. My posts that I'm really nervous to publish always tend to be the ones that reach the most people. In the future months you might be seeing more of those posts where I get a little vulnerable and painfully honest. I'm also posting an Autism A-Z series where I will post a new autism post every day except Sunday for the entire month of April. I'm hoping this will help keep my pageviews up.I decided to share my traffic and income report starting as a small blogger to inspire other newbies Here's my blog traffic and income report for March 2016

Blog Income: $184.11

Income Sources:

  • Adsense Ads: $29.92
  • Media.Net Ads: $5.59
  • Amazon: $0
  • Sponsored Content (linqia and iHN): $148.60

What Worked and What I'm Changing:

I was happy to have two sponsored posts last month that made up the bulk of my income in March. I'm hoping that as my pageviews continue to get higher I'll be getting sponsored posts more consistently. One thing I am hoping to change is my ads. I am pretty happy with google Adsense, but my ads are hardly bringing in any revenue. I am hoping to get over the threshold for MediaVine ads and that will hopefully start bringing in more consistent ad revenue. I'm also hoping to get my devotional for special needs moms up for sale in April which will help add a new income stream for the blog.

Goals for April

One of my biggest goals for April is to post the Autism A-Z series without missing a day. It is a lot of writing, but I'm hoping to stay on top of it. Another big scary goal is to get over 30,000 pageviews. This is the minimum to sign on with MediaVine ads, and it would get me a payout with Adsense. Finally, I want to get my devotional finally complete and get it up for sale in April to add a new income stream.So there's my traffic and income report. I'm sure that next month's will be decidedly less exciting with less sponsored posts lined up and without a viral post, but that's why I do these posts each and every month. I want people to know that it is possible to bring in some money from a blog without having intimidatingly large stats. Now, I need your help! Is there anything else you want to see in these reports? Social media stats, income from other work at home jobs (like Fundanoodle or being a VA), etc. If so, let me know in the comments. I want to make sure these reports are as helpful as possible for you!If you loved this post you might also enjoy..Figuring out how to start a blog can be really intimidating, but I'm holding your hand step-by-step. You can learn how to start a blog in one afternoon!Sifting through the endless blogging advice gets old fast, so I'm sharing the ultimate guide to the best blogging resources available!


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