My Must Haves for Homeschooling
Homeschooling is no easy task. Some days the kids are cranky, you're cranky, and you're doing everything you can just to get through the lessons. Other days you're all excited and eager to learn, taking dance breaks between worksheets, and following a curiosity to further learning. We all live for those days, while dreading the latter. That said, today I'm sharing my must haves for homeschooling, and how I use them to keep my homeschooling days a success!
Homeschooling Must Haves
Planners (and a plan!)
Maybe this is just my type A personality, but I need to have everything planned out, or I won't do anything. The type of planner you choose will depend on your family needs and your homeschool. I used the Well Planned Day Planner this year and it worked well for us, and next year I'll be adding in Homeschool Planet to have a digital component (post coming on that later, I pinky swear!). I love to check things off as completed, and so does Mr. C, so having a planner with lessons planned out is a must have!
Distractions for the Littles
Some homeschooling mama's do great with letting their littles "join in" on homeschool lessons. They give them color sheets and let them listen to read alouds. That's great for them, but A-Man's patience and focus level is about 10 minutes, and Baby M's is even shorter, so we use distraction in this house! Whether it's a sensory bin, special toys, or *gasp!* a TV show, we distract the littles when Mr. C needs me in full teacher mode.
Citrus Oils
I am not always a happy patient mama. Sometimes, when I have to explain the same directions on the same math work sheet 4 times (the same directions he's happily followed for weeks) I am really not a happy patient mama. Citrus oils help me with that! My favorite is citrus fresh from Young Living, but I also like plain lemon oil. It helps keep mama in a happy mood, and *bonus!* it helps Mr. C to stay more focused on his school work! Double win. :)
Curriculum You Love
This is a big one. If you hate your curriculum, you will dread teaching the work every day, and your kids will dread learning every day. Most of us our homeschooling so that our kids love learning, so we need to do our best to foster that love! We talked about our homeschooling curriculum choices for this past year, and I'll post an update soon for our choices starting in Fall. Whatever curriculum you choose, make sure that it's something you and your children enjoy!
This is a biggie. Homeschooling mamas need grace. Grace for ourselves on our less than stellar days. Grace for our kiddos when they're struggling. Grace for the grocery store clerk who questions disapprovingly after asking why your kids aren't in school. Grace for the family that says you can't or shouldn't homeschool. Lots and lots of grace. As a perfectionist, I struggle in this a lot. I tend to set high expectations with Mr. C because he is so far advanced for his age, but sometimes I need to remember that this tiny genius of mine is only five years old. Yes, he's about to start second grade work, but he is not a second grader. Always remember to have grace. Looking for more homeschooling must haves? The ladies at iHomeschool Network are sharing the things their homeschools can't do without! Check it out below. :)