(Inside: Outside time is a huge part of our homeschool, and we'd all go crazy without it. But why do we need to have outside time in our homeschool day, every day?)With my super active boys, we absolutely need outside time every day.We've built it into our regular daily homeschool routine, and I wouldn't have it any other way.But why is outside time a part of our homeschool day?

Five Reasons to Prioritize Outside Time in Homeschooling

Outside time is a huge part of our homeschool, and we'd all go crazy without it. But why do we need to have outside time in our homeschool day, every day?
Outside time is a huge part of our homeschool, and we'd all go crazy without it. But why do we need to have outside time in our homeschool day, every day?

Outside time is a huge part of our homeschool, and we'd all go crazy without it. But why do we need to have outside time in our homeschool day, every day?

Outside time is a huge part of our homeschool, and we'd all go crazy without it. But why do we need to have outside time in our homeschool day, every day?
Outside time is a huge part of our homeschool, and we'd all go crazy without it. But why do we need to have outside time in our homeschool day, every day?

Kids Were Meant to Move

Have you ever seen a kid sit still for a long time? I know I sure haven't!It just isn't natural for active young kids to sit still without moving and fidgeting.Kids were meant to move, so we need to let them!When we expect kids to sit through the homeschool day without any breaks and movement, they go crazy.We've found that it's so much easier to incorporate movement into our homeschool day with regular outside time!Outside time is a huge part of our homeschool, and we'd all go crazy without it. But why do we need to have outside time in our homeschool day, every day?

Boys are Really Loud

This is the selfish reason that we have outside time every day. Boys are really, really loud.I have chronic migraines and auditory processing issues. That doesn't mix well!Also, I swear that being trapped inside gives their already loud voices an echo and I end up drowning in noise.When we go outside I get a bit of sweet (relative) quiet.I can explore outside with them, or I can sit and get some work done while they jump on the trampoline.Either way, the break from noise is a must for this homeschool mama!

It Gets the Kids in Nature

Do you remember when we were growing up and we could go explore our neighborhoods?My best friend had woods in her backyard, and we'd spend hours out there finding frogs and splashing in the creek.Now? If I let my kids roam the neighborhood CPS would be knocking at the door in no time.There just isn't unstructured outside play anymore like there used to be.Does that mean we give up on getting our kids out in nature?No, it means we need to be intentional and schedule regular outside time into our day.(Related: check out these 5 steps to an autism-friendly nature study!)Outside time is a huge part of our homeschool, and we'd all go crazy without it. But why do we need to have outside time in our homeschool day, every day?

It Tires the Kids Out

Here's another selfish reason to live life outside.I'm a work at home mom.I need my kids to take a rest time in the afternoons so I can get some focused quiet work time in.When we get our outside time during the day, I can almost guarantee that each of my four kids will fall asleep during rest time.They go outside and use up their energy without exhausting me. It's a win-win!

It Gives a Sensory Break

With A-Man's autism, we are all about taking regular sensory breaks during our homeschool day.Whether it's using the weighted hammer with our I Can Pound! Kit or our sensory bin, we live by the sensory break.Getting outside in the fresh air, running around, carrying toys around, swinging on the swing set feeling the grass, and jumping on the trampoline all give A-Man a ton of sensory experiences that he needs to stay regulated.Outside time is a huge part of our homeschool, and we'd all go crazy without it. But why do we need to have outside time in our homeschool day, every day?

How We Live Life Outside

We love to spend warm afternoons outside. These are a few of our favorite ways to live life outside.

  • Jumping on the trampoline.
  • Swinging on the swing set.
  • Playing tag.
  • Finding and collecting cool nature stuff.
  • Playing basketball.
  • Hosting barbecues.
  • Learning about animal habitats.
  • Hiking.
  • Swimming in the Pool.
  • Having a picnic lunch.
  • Playing baseball.
  • Racing.
  • Whatever keeps my boys occupied for more than ten minutes.

Outside time is a huge part of our homeschool, and we'd all go crazy without it. But why do we need to have outside time in our homeschool day, every day?


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