One Super Simple Hack to Avoid Holiday Meltdowns
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PoweringTheHolidays #CollectiveBiasChristmas is a time of magic, but sometimes it's also a time of meltdowns...I know you've been there... Your kids are SO excited to open the gifts under the tree, they tear open the paper and freak out when they find THE TOY they've been dying for all season long... Everything looks great...Until they are ready to play with the toy NOW and you realize you have to cut 852 child-proofing strings and find those batteries in the junk drawer and say a silent prayer hoping you've got triple A's because WHY do all the toys have to use triple A's???(Pssst: Click here to receive a $5 Walmart eGift card with your $15 Energizer® battery or lights purchase)Meanwhile, your kiddo has completely lost their mind because they opened a toy and were ready to play with it, but then you took it back from them and they cannot understand why they aren't playing right this second...And if your family is like mine, you get up before the sun on Christmas so this whole battle may be happening before the coffee has set in...Not. Pretty.Thankfully, there's a super simple hack to avoid holiday meltdowns, and once you start using it you won't ever go back to the old way again!(Image description: Image of Buzz Lightyear action figure's back showing its batteries. Coral and teal text on white background reads: One simple hack to avoid holiday gift time meltdowns. Then another image of several packs of Energizer® batteries, the Buzz Lightyear action figure in the box, and a pair of scissors on top of Paw Patrol wrapping paper. White Autistic Mama infinity logo in top right corner)
One Super Simple Hack to Avoid Holiday Meltdowns
This year, I'm using this hack with every single gift my kids are getting, and I cannot wait.And while I found this hack because of A-Man, my autistic kiddo, it seriously helps every single one of my kids.We all have a calmer and happier holiday if I make sure to use this hack.But first, why is gift time so difficult for autistic children?
Why Gift Time is So Difficult for Autistic Children
The fact is, gift time can be really difficult for autistic children in particular.There's a lot of chaos happening, paper flying everywhere, loud noises, and the whole thing can feel pretty overwhelming.So when your autistic child is in that state of chaos, and then we tell them they have to hand over their toy and wait to play with it, all bets are off!It's simple to say that autistic children who meltdown right after getting gifts are "brats" or "ungrateful", but the fact is they're just dysregulated and can't process all of the changes happening to them all at once.Now there are several things you can do to avoid this holiday gift-time meltdown, like practice ahead of time or keep the gift-opening process (relatively) calm... But those can be pretty difficult to do during the holiday madness.That's why I love this one simple hack to avoid the holiday gift time meltdown...
One Simple Hack to Avoid the Gift Time Meltdown
Get your child's gifts ready to play BEFORE wrapping.I'm talking the whole nine yards.Pull it out of the box. Release it from its child (and adult!) proofing. Put in the batteries.
Heck, if it's an electronic that needs an account? Set all of that up too!Once the toy is 100% ready to be played with, THEN you wrap it.
Or, well, if wrapping isn't your superpower, you can put it back in the box just so you have an easier shape to wrap.
But using this simple hack, you'll know that in the morning when your kids tear open the paper, you aren't 45 seconds from a meltdown!Trust me, this has been a game changer in our household. Plus, I get to actually finish my coffee in peace while the kids play with their new toys. It's a total win-win!
Make This Holiday Hack Even Easier...
I make this hack to avoid holiday meltdowns even easier by keeping a variety of batteries on hand.Energizer® batteries are my go-to, and they have a ton of different options to work for all sorts of needs.Energizer MAX® Batteries are the longest lasting AA and AAA Energizer® MAX batteries yet. Long-lasting power and innovation is what the Energizer® MAX family is all about. They hold their power for up to 10 years while in storage, so you have power when you need it most (like during the holidays)! So when it comes to toys, digital cameras, or any device that needs batteries, you can feel confident knowing you have the long-lasting power and protection you expect from Energizer.
And nothing outlasts the long-lasting power of Energizer® Ultimate Lithium™ Batteries. Each battery’s safety-conscious, leak-proof design gives you confidence that your most-loved toys and devices are protected against leaks and corrosion. Ultimate Lithium™ batteries are the clear choice to dependably power the essential devices in your life. This is the #1 longest-lasting battery!
They even have Energizer® Brand Headlights! Hands down, these are the most useful range of lightweight and versatile lighting products designed especially for those tasks that require two hands. (Anyone else wrapping gifts in the dark to avoid getting caught?!)And right now, you can get a $5 Walmart eGift card with your $15 Energizer® battery or lights purchase at Walmart!See Offer Terms & Conditions for complete detailsLooking for more ways to enjoy the holiday with your autistic kiddo? Check out this post on hosting an autism-friendly Christmas!