What is Spoon Theory?

At least weekly in the Embracing Autism Facebook Community, someone posts about being out of spoons, and another person asks what in the world that means.See, there's a thing called "Spoon Theory", and it's wildly common in chronic illness, disability, and autism circles.But if you've never heard of Spoon Theory before, it can be super confusing.Why are all of these people randomly losing their silverware??So today I'm putting together this quick explanation so that we have a handy link to share every time someone asks us "What is Spoon Theory?"What Exactly is "Spoon Theory"? Spoon theory is used by chronic illness and disability communities (including the autistic community) to explain energy levels and how they live their life...

What is Spoon Theory?

Now it's important to note, I did not create Spoon Theory, and I'm not a Spoon Theory expert.I am just an autistic woman who lives with chronic migraines who has benefitted greatly from having a simple and concise way to explain my energy and ability levels on any given day.Also, I'm sharing my interpretation of Spoon Theory.You may see it a little bit differently, and that's totally okay! This is just a general idea of the theory for those who've never heard of it before.

The Origins of Spoon Theory

First, I highly recommend you read the entire origin story of Spoon Theory here.Christine Miserandino was at a diner with her friend trying to explain what it was like to live with lupus.She handed her friend a collection of spoons and used them as a concrete lesson on what it was like to live a day with lupus."I explained that the difference in being sick and being healthy is having to make choices or to consciously think about things when the rest of the world doesn’t have to. The healthy have the luxury of a life without choices, a gift most people take for granted."

At the beginning of every day as a disabled or chronically ill person, you get a limited number of spoons.
And every task that you do throughout the day takes one of your spoons.
Remember, though, that an activity such as "getting ready for work" has to be broken down smaller.
Getting out of bed? Take a spoon.
Taking a shower? Take a spoon.
Getting dressed? Take a spoon.
It doesn't take long to realize that you need to conserve your spoons if you're going to make it until the end of the
Are you going to shower or eat breakfast today?
Are you going to go to the grocery store after work or are you going to have the energy to cook?
And while the Spoon Theory was originated by a woman with lupus, the rest of the chronic illness and disability community has jumped in full force.

How Does Spoon Theory Apply to Autistics?

But how does Spoon Theory apply to autistics?Well, autistic people wake up with a set number of spoons.If we had a meltdown yesterday, or we didn't sleep well? We wake up with less spoons than normal.We have to very carefully plan our days in order to conserve our spoons.And we face unique struggles as we navigate the neurotypical world that takes our spoons at an astronomical rate.A grocery trip might take multiple spoons because of the sensory overload involved.An argument with someone on Facebook might wipe us completely out of spoons for the rest of the day.And we may consistently run on a spoon deficit.This is why autistic burnout and meltdowns are so common. We are, quite simply, out of spoons.

Why Does Spoon Theory Help?

I love Spoon Theory because it gives our community a common language that explains our daily energy levels in a simple way.When I tell my husband "I'm out of spoons" he knows that means that I am just done for the day and I need him to take over with the kids.If we didn't have that language and understanding, just the conversation explaining to him that I was out of energy and needed his help would take more of the precious energy I had left.It also helps neurotypicals to understand what their chronically ill or disabled friends and family are facing in a concrete way.So many times when the autistics in our Embracing Autism community explain Spoon Theory, the parents are in shock with the new understanding they have for their autistic children's struggles.And if you're new to Spoon Theory, I hope that this explanation helps you to see the struggles that the disability and chronic illness communities face on a daily basis in a new way.PS: I've been asked a few times if neurotypicals can use Spoon Theory, and again I'll say that I am not the end-all-be-all of Spoon Theory.That said, I think that it's totally fair for neurotypicals to use Spoon Theory with the understanding that able-bodied, healthy neurotypicals have many, many more spoons than their disabled or chronically ill counterparts.And if you aren't already, make sure you join the Embracing Autism Community!If you loved this post, you might also enjoy...5 Tips for Making Autistic/Neurotypical Marriages Workhttps://autisticmama.com/5-tips-for-making-autistic-neurotypical-marriages-work/5 Life-Changing Strategies for Parenting With a Migraine5 Life-Changing Strategies for Parenting with a Migraine


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