Everything You Need to Know About Large Family Homeschooling
I love babies, and as a result, I have what most people would call a large family. We don't fit in a sedan, or really even most SUV's. We don't fit in the average restaurant booth. You could imagine the looks when walking through target with my big group of littles. Mr. C and A-Man walking in front of me, Cap'n M in the basket part of the cart, and Miss S in the child seat. What are we going to do in a few months when Sweet C is added? Panic. That's what.Now aside from the looks we get from strangers in public, we get a lot of questions. I'm regularly asked if my kids all have the same dad, if they're all mine, if I know what causes that, why I have so many, and if I'm finally done. I try to respond to these questions with a smile. After all, I know that people aren't trying to be rude, they just see my family and react as if they just saw circus monkeys because large families like ours are pretty rare. But once people realize we homeschool, the real questions start. So I thought I'd put together this handy guide with everything you need to know about large family homeschooling.
Everything You Need to Know About Large Family Homeschooling
How can you homeschool with so many kids? Why in the world would anyone want to homeschool five kids? Don't you need a break? How do you choose curriculum for the whole family? How do you make sure each of your kids get enough of your time when homeschooling a large family? What does a large family homeschool schedule look like?If you've found yourself wondering the answers to some of these questions, you're in luck because I've put together a 10-day blog series all about large family homeschooling! We'll cover all the bases of the most common questions I'm asked about our large family homeschool, and if you have any more ideas for posts, leave them in the comments!I'll be posting every day Monday-Friday from July 10th-July 21st, and as the posts go live I'll add the links below. You can take a peek now and see what is coming, and once the posts are live the title will change color and become clickable!
- Choosing Curriculum for a Large Family
- Homeschool Planning for Large Families
- 5 Steps to the Best Large Family Homeschool Schedule
- Balancing Independent Needs in a Large Family
- Homeschooling While Expanding the Large Family
- Keeping the Littles Busy While Homeschooling the Bigs
- Balancing Work, a Large Family, and Homeschooling
- Three Reasons We Love Large Family Homeschooling
- The Downsides to Large Family Homeschooling
- Large Family Homeschooling Hacks
If you've been homeschooling a while and you're about to add a new member to the family, or you're already a large family mama and not sure if you could possibly homeschool your large family, you're in the right place! I can't wait to connect more with you as the series goes on!Beyond my large family homeschooling series, I've teamed up with a bunch of other homeschool bloggers who are all doing a 10-day series on their area of homeschool expertise! You can browse the options below and follow the ones you're most excited for!
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